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Quick Trip - 2005. Egypt


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-- The text and images on this page are copyrighted. Images may be downloaded for personal use. When using downloaded material please credit the photographer and author: Jerry Smetzer --





-- The Nile-O-Meter

-- Artwork in Jewish Synagogue

-- Jerry inside Queen's Tomb near the pyramids

-- Queen's barge discovered, restored, and displayed near the pyramids

-- This is Egypt. Here are the Camels, Pyramids, and Egyptian soldiers

-- In Mahfooz's neighborhood

-- Jay and I head into the Kahn (a terrorist bomb exploded in this area a day after our visit, and killed at least two people)

-- Climbing one of the twin minarets in Cairo's Islamic section, and then hearing the afternoon call to prayer rising from all across the City


-- Making papyrus

-- Hatchepsut tomb with tourists and armed guards. Hatchepsut was a woman accepted by the Egyptians as Pharaoh for over 40 years

-- Irrigated Farm land near the Nile south of Cairo



-- Fellucas out for a sail, with flowers

-- Fellucas at sunset. Haze is caused by a developing sandstorm in the surrounding desert

-- Furling Felluca sails at the end of the day

-- Fellucas are for friends

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