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Quick Trip - 2005. Northern France

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-- Mill Stream

-- Cathedral Notre Dame et Vieux Bayeux - exterior. Consecrated in 1077

-- Cathedral interior

-- William the Conqueror, hero of the Battle of Hastings



-- Shore cannon protecting the beach from allied invasion in 1944

-- Memorial to Canadian World War II dead

-- Normandy beaches today. This is probably the invasion beach code-named Gold by the allies. Gold was invaded by British forces. A few miles east from here is Juno beach; invaded by the Canadians with a loss of nearly 2000 lives. A few miles west is the American invasion beach nick-named - after D-Day - as "bloody Omaha"



-- Arc De Triumph with rain approaching

-- Bridge over Seine with Eiffel Tower before downpour

-- Notre Dame in a ray of sunshine after downpour

-- Chemin Vert Metro station


Picasso Museum

-- At the Museum: Picasso 1921. The Reading of the Letter. In French: La Lecture de la Lettre

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